Monthly Archives: June 2014

Why the most important ecig news of the week is Swedish Match’s MRTP application

Hugely important on THR as a coherent movement to lessen the disease and death burden from combusted tobacco!

Tobacco harm reduction, anti-THR lies, and related topics

by Carl V Phillips

Swedish Match broke the ice for the FDA’s “Modified Risk Tobacco Products” process this week, boldly applying for the removal of misleading warning labels on their smokeless tobacco products in the USA.  There is no point in me writing about the details of that, since Rodu already covered it nicely (read that if you do not already know about it).  But no THR blog could possibly let this enormous event pass without comment, so I will take another angle on it, to point out why those interested in e-cigarettes (most of the readers of this blog) should consider this important news (good and bad) regarding e-cigarettes.

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